Merck discovers DALL-E, pioneering AI in small molecule generation.

January 25, 2024
1 min read

Merck & Co. has become an early user of Variational AI’s generative AI platform, Enki, to assess its ability to generate novel small molecules that match its target product profiles (TPPs). Enki creates small molecules in response to TPPs, allowing users to pick targets and other attributes, and generates molecules that meet the TPP. Merck’s CEO, Robert Davis, highlighted the company’s investments in artificial intelligence and machine learning as part of its transformation strategy.

Merck & Co. has become an early user of Variational AI’s generative AI platform, Enki, to assess its ability to generate novel small molecules that match its target product profiles (TPPs). Enki creates small molecules in response to TPPs, allowing users to pick targets and other attributes, and generates molecules that meet the TPP. Variational trained Enki using experimental data to explore a wider range of chemical space.

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