Qatari Uni teams up with Idaho Uni for strategic alliance

January 29, 2024
1 min read


– The University of Doha for Science and Technology (UDST) in Qatar has formed a strategic alliance with Idaho State University (ISU) in the United States.
– The five-year memorandum of understanding (MOU) focuses on collaboration in areas such as engineering, energy research, and disaster response.

The University of Doha for Science and Technology (UDST) in Qatar has signed a strategic memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Idaho State University (ISU) in the United States. The five-year agreement aims to promote cooperation between the two institutions in various academic areas, with a particular emphasis on engineering, energy research, and disaster response. UDST and ISU will work on joint research programs, facilitate student and faculty exchanges, and explore opportunities for offering joint programs in the fields of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The collaboration also includes the possibility of UDST students training at ISU’s Disaster Response Complex and Center for Advanced Energy Studies. The partnership reflects UDST’s commitment to forming meaningful partnerships with leading educational institutions worldwide and providing its students and staff with diverse educational opportunities. ISU, which offers a wide range of programs from technical certificates to graduate degrees, is recognized for its strong engineering and health degree programs. The alliance between the two universities has the potential to create a strong foundation for future partnerships and contribute to the academic community in Qatar.

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