Troops could vanish with Russian ‘invisibility cloak’ camouflage technology.

January 30, 2024
1 min read

Russian troops could become virtually undetectable from as close as three feet away, thanks to a new camouflage technology dubbed the “invisibility cloak.” The technology, part of the Russian military doctrine of “maskirovka,” aims to mislead adversaries about troop presence, position, and size, as well as the timing and place of attack. The camouflage suit, which weighs around three-quarters of a pound, can fold up and fit in a pocket, and it conceals a soldier’s heat signature by reflecting and absorbing infrared radiation. Trials, including battlefield testing in Ukraine, are currently ongoing. The full suit includes a hood, cap, and special glasses, and provides effective cover as close as three feet away from the soldier using it. The technology was developed at the RKhBZ Academy, which focuses on radiological, chemical, and biological defense. The development of this technology showcases the importance that Russia places on executing maskirovka activities.

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