Iran launches historic triple satellite using domestic technology.

February 2, 2024
1 min read

The TLDR section of this article could summarize the key points as follows:
– Iran successfully launched three domestically designed satellites into space, marking the first time the country has sent multiple payloads into orbit simultaneously.
– The satellites, named Mehda, Keyhan-2, and Hatef-1, were launched aboard the Simorgh carrier rocket, which was also developed domestically.
– The satellites will serve purposes such as communication and research, as well as enhancing global positioning and communications technologies.
– This achievement builds upon Iran’s recent launch of the Soraya satellite, showcasing continued progress in its space program.
– Iran’s growing space capabilities have drawn international attention, especially after its admission to the BRICS group.

The article discusses Iran’s historic triple satellite launch using domestic technology. It highlights that Iran successfully launched three satellites named Mehda, Keyhan-2, and Hatef-1 into space simultaneously. This marks the first time Iran has sent multiple payloads into orbit at once. The satellites were launched aboard the Simorgh carrier rocket, which was also developed domestically in Iran. The largest satellite, Mehda, will serve as a communication and research satellite to evaluate the performance of the Simorgh rocket. The two nanosatellites, Keyhan-2 and Hatef-1, will focus on enhancing global positioning and communications technologies. This achievement follows Iran’s successful launch of the Soraya satellite on January 20th. Soraya was a research and telecommunications satellite launched using the indigenously developed Qaem-100 carrier rocket. The article also mentions that Iran’s growing space capabilities have drawn international attention, especially after its recent admission to the BRICS group.

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