76th AgTech Expo: Unleashing Innovation at NDSU

February 16, 2024
1 min read

– NDSU’s Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2024 and recently held the Ag. Tech Expo as part of the celebration.
– The expo showcased research projects by students in the department and allowed them to gain experience and demonstrate their knowledge in agricultural technology.
– Participating in the expo is required for all ABEN majors and is seen as a valuable opportunity for students to develop teamwork and communication skills and attract future employers.
– Scholarships were awarded to winners at the expo, and a banquet was held to celebrate the achievements and growth of the ABEN department.

The 76th Annual Agricultural Technology Exposition was recently held at North Dakota State University (NDSU) as part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ABEN). The expo, held at Ladd Hall, showcased research projects by students in the department, giving them a platform to demonstrate their knowledge in agricultural technology.

Each student team created a poster board summarizing their research and displayed it for industry professionals, parents, faculty, and staff who attended the event. The expo has been held annually since 1948 and is a requirement for all ABEN majors, as well as students with majors in Precision Agriculture Management or Agricultural Systems Management. Participation in the expo allows students to gain experience in their field, cultivate teamwork and communication skills, and impress future employers with their organizational and research abilities.

The expo also serves as a competition, with various scholarships sponsored by businesses and individuals in the community awarded to winners. Students who participate in the expo have the chance to win scholarships in categories such as Grand Champion, Reserve Champion, Division Champions, Freshman Champion, and Senior Design Champion.

A banquet was held after the expo in the Memorial Union Ballroom, where students presented their research on agricultural technology and scholarships were awarded to winners. Additionally, retired ABEN faculty members Elton Solseng and Vernon Hofman gave speeches on the achievements and growth of the department over its hundred-year history.

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