Philadelphia’s tech gap solution: Mayor Parker pledges to bridge divide.

March 2, 2024
1 min read

Philadelphia digital divide: Mayor Cherelle Parker pledges to close technology gap in Philly


  • Mayor Cherelle Parker announced funding to help close the digital divide in Philadelphia.
  • The U.S. Treasury Department is awarding the city $20 million to make all rec centers and libraries digitally compatible and accessible.

Mayor Cherelle Parker, along with federal officials, announced funding to help close the digital divide in Philadelphia. The U.S. Treasury Department is awarding the city $20 million to make all rec centers and libraries digitally compatible and accessible. Mayor Parker emphasized the importance of bridging the technology gap in the city, pointing out that 16 percent of the population lacks access to a computer or internet connection, making it difficult to perform tasks like applying for jobs. The initiative aims to ensure that everyone in Philadelphia has access to the necessary technology to participate fully in today’s digital world.

Mayor Parker’s administration will focus on providing digital access to underserved communities and improving overall digital literacy in the city. The funding will be used to equip rec centers and libraries with technology and internet access, making these spaces more accessible for residents who may not have these resources at home. The initiative aligns with broader efforts across the country to address the digital divide and ensure that all individuals have the tools they need to succeed in an increasingly digital society.

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