Tech-savvy banking for the modern era.

February 21, 2024
1 min read


  • Technology is driving the banking sector in 2024.
  • Bank Leumi CIO emphasizes the importance of balancing technology with a human touch.

Technology is playing a crucial role in the banking sector, with significant investments being made in technological innovation. Bank Leumi, for example, has advanced technological units within the organization, enabling over 85% of operations to be carried out remotely. This digital transformation has become even more important during times of crisis, such as the recent war in Israel, where the bank was able to provide efficient and convenient services to customers through advanced technology. Despite the emphasis on technology, Bank Leumi also recognizes the importance of maintaining a personal-human touch in certain interactions with customers, such as mortgage applications and investment consultations. This combination of advanced technology and personalized service is what defines Bank Leumi’s approach to banking as “technology-driven human banking.”

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