Seed industry blooms with tech and global sales opportunities.

February 22, 2024
1 min read


  • Industry leaders in the vegetable and flower seed industry are embracing technology, innovation, and global markets to drive growth and sustainability.
  • Key drivers for growth include biotechnology, gene editing, automation, and expanding into emerging markets in developing regions.

In the dynamic vegetable and flower seed industry, technology, innovation, and addressing global food security challenges are at the forefront of opportunities and challenges facing the sector. At the American Seed Trade Association’s Vegetable and Flower conference, industry leaders spotlighted the transformative role of biotechnology, gene editing, automation, and artificial intelligence. Technology, innovation, and global market expansion were highlighted as essential strategies for driving the industry forward.

Sakata Seed America CEO Dave Armstrong emphasized the pivotal role of technology in revolutionizing the seed industry, pointing out the impact of biotechnology, gene editing, and automation. Lisa Branco, general manager for Radicle Seed, underscored innovation as a critical driver in addressing global food security challenges. Syngenta’s Global Head for Vegetable Seeds and Flowers, Matthew Johnston, highlighted the untapped potential in developing and emerging markets, emphasizing the importance of these regions for future growth and sustainability.

Despite challenges such as technology uptake, regulatory hurdles, climate change, and emerging pests and pathogens, industry leaders remain optimistic about the future. They predict an increase in market segmentation driven by consumer demand for novelty and technological advancements. Collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to sustainability are seen as essential for navigating the opportunities and challenges facing the vegetable and flower seed industry.

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